
ST. LOUIS — A trip to the Gateway Arch did not go as planned for dozens of visitors Friday afternoon.

About 25 people were trapped inside one of the Arch legs when a tram that takes guests up and down the monument became stuck. Lift Machine

Gateway Arch tram gets stuck |

Visitors ended up being stuck inside the tram for two hours.

Arch maintenance workers were alerted at 11:30 a.m. that the north tram had malfunctioned and stopped moving. The Gateway Arch team worked to fix the issue and was communicating with the stranded guests while work was underway, according to a statement from an Arch spokesperson.

After 20 minutes of the tram being stuck, officials contacted the St. Louis Fire Department for assistance, which is part of the Arch's safety protocol.

"After approximately two hours, tram mechanics resolved the malfunction, allowing the visitors to get off the tram," the Arch spokesperson confirmed to 5 On Your Side.

The guests were able to then take the south tram back down to ground level. No one was injured, the St. Louis Fire Department tweeted.

No other information has been released, including what caused the tram to malfunction.

This story will be updated as 5 On Your Side confirms more details.

400 S. Leonor K. Sullivan (@GatewayArchSTL) - Elevator rescue assignment on scene for persons stuck on the tram. Companies and maintenance worked to release approximately 25 persons. No injuries reported. #STLCity

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Gateway Arch tram gets stuck |

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